Music Music Music

Let's talk about Dolfish. The man behind the music, Max Sollisch, might be one of the sweetest people I've ever met. His new album, Foreclosure American Dreams, dropped today. It's been four years in the making, and it was well worth the wait. I saw Dolfish play three years ago at a venue in Columbus, OH. Max borrowed one of my guitar effect pedals to put a little grit on his acoustic guitar for the show. That was one of the only interactions we've ever had, but we remain Facebook friends (obvi). I'm typically not one for modern folk music (thank the Lumineers for ruining it for me), but Dolfish is something entirely different. Max is a lyricist, a story teller. His delivery is bizarre at first, but it works. It works so well. Foreclosure American Dreams is a concept album about Max's "experience purchasing a foreclosure in the neighborhood and falling in love with all of its gritty, unassuming charm." Max takes a lot of pride in living in North East Ohio. For someone like me, it is extremely refreshing for a person to own up to the place they live. It seems that most people are always looking to move to the next city, where things will be so much better. The new album is streaming at Stereogum, but I think you should buy the damn thing on all formats available. If you're in the area, go to his album release shows this weekend:
FRI | AUG 19 | Cleveland, OH @ Praxis on Waterloo
SAT | AUG 20 | Columbus, OH @ Kafe Kerouac