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Radio Waves daily blog by Two Dollar Radio indie book publisher

Posts in the The Wire category
The Wire | Babysitter At Rest

It's no secret how much we love Dorothy, A Publishing Project. I just dove into The Babysitter at Rest by Jen George, and I'm excited to burn through it.

The Babysitter at Rest | Radio Waves

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Posted by Brett Gregory on 08 November, 2016 0 comments |
The Wire | Nicholas Rombes Gets Weird

Nicholas Rombes, author of The Absolution of Roberto Acestes Laing, and writer/director of our second feature film, The Removals, was interviewed by David Davis at the Weird Fiction website. Davis asked Rombes whether there is "such a thing as 'too weird'" and whether he would consider someone labeling his work as weird as a compliment.

The Removals, written and directed by Nicholas Rombes (Two Dollar Radio 2016)

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Posted by Eric Obenauf on 01 November, 2016 0 comments |
The Wire | All Over and Over

I recently bought Tim Kinsella's All Over and Over (Featherproof Books 2015). The book is a collection of tour diaries from his extensive time on the road with his band, Make Believe (Joan of Arc), during the early/mid 2000s. Kinsella's reflective insight is where the beauty lies.

All Over and Over | Radio Waves

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Posted by Brett Gregory on 25 October, 2016 0 comments |
The Wire | Best in Show

Christopher Guest's newest movie, Mascots, is now available to stream on Netflix, so we thought we'd take a moment to reflect on a couple of our favorite lines from our favorite Guest flick, Best in Show.

Best in Show | Radio Waves

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Posted by Eric Obenauf on 18 October, 2016 0 comments |
The Wire | Isabelle Mège & Joel-Peter Witkin

The New Yorker recently featured a story about a medical secretary in Paris, Isabelle Mège, who persuaded a number of renowned photographers to take her picture over the course of two decades. The story highlights how obsessive Mège was in her quest to be photographed.

Isabelle Mège | Radio Waves

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Posted by Brett Gregory on 11 October, 2016 0 comments |
The Wire | Melanie Finn's playlist for The Gloaming

Melanie Finn contributed a playlist to Largehearted Boy's "Book Notes" series, where authors write playlists to accompany their books. Here is Finn's explanation for a song on her playlist.

Rain in Ethiopia

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Posted by Eric Obenauf on 20 September, 2016 0 comments |
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Two Dollar Radio is a family-run outfit founded in 2005 with the mission to reaffirm the cultural and artistic spirit of the publishing industry. We aim to do this by presenting bold works of literary merit, each book, individually and collectively, providing a sonic progression that we believe to be too loud to ignore. Check out the ABOUT US section to read more...

Radio Waves daily blog by Two Dollar Radio indie book publisher

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