The Wire | Babysitter At Rest

It's no secret how much we love Dorothy. The press describes themselves as a publishing project "dedicated to works of fiction or near fiction or about fiction, mostly by women." Each fall they release two books simultaneously. Their latest releases, Suite for Barbara Loden by Nathalie Léger and The Babysitter at Rest by Jen George, are both total knockouts. I just finished The Babysitter at Rest and it was one of my favorite books I've read this year. Electric Literature calls George’s writing "funny, courageous, smart, surreal, seductive, and terrifyingly vulnerable.” Take a look:
‘It is a curse to have a forever baby. The baby will not inherit my property, my good looks. I thought the point of having a baby was so you could age and die. You could be released after cursing someone else into this existence. With this baby sealed in infancy, I fear I may live a very, very long time. I age, but I’m not dying. I can think of nothing worse.’