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a collection of stories by
Jay Neugeboren
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"[Neugeboren] might not be as famous as some of his compeers, like Philip Roth or John Updike, but it's becoming increasingly harder to argue that he's any less talented. Neugeboren's new short story collection serves as a convincing piece of evidence of the author's rare talent... dazzlingly smart and deeply felt... Jay Neugeboren is music to our ears."
—Kirkus Reviews
From the secluded villages in the south of France, to the cattle crawl in the Valley of a Thousand Hills in South Africa, to the hard-knock adolescent streets of Brooklyn, Jay Neugeboren examines the great mysteries and complexities that unsettle and comprise human relationships.
You Are My Heart and Other Stories by Jay Neugeboren =
* In most cases, none of these writers endorse this book. Our math formulas are supposed to be amusing anecdotes, similar to shelf-talkers in bookstores that say "If you like X, you might enjoy Y," or "This Book is like Cormac McCarthy writing an episode of Saved by the Bell with a soundtrack by Philip Glass."
"Jay Neugeboren’s You Are My Heart is an object lesson in imaginative empathy and observational intelligence. His fiction for years now has had the courage to be quiet and careful and comprehensively humane, but it’s in no way slight. One of his great subjects has been the damage that even the most caring and thoughtful can inflict, and though these stories take place all over the world, they’re at heart about the difference between the America to which we aspire and the America in which we live."
—Jim Shepard
"While fascinations resurface—Schubert's B-Flat Trio, the Irishness of Henry James—what unites these stories is fighting: in the ring, in the pacific, and inside the bottle. Neugeboren's heroes fight disease, intolerance, and, yes, the ones they love the most."
—The Rumpus
"Neugeboren's stories have a quiet intensity that resonates long after the final paragraph. You Are My Heart makes it clear that Neugeboren, now in his seventies, is still very much at the top of his game."
—Hadassah Magazine
View the awesome HORN! REVIEWS review in short graphic novel/comic form.
—The Rumpus
"These stories span the globe, from France, to South Africa, and back to Brooklyn, mimicking Neugeboren's wide range of mastery. A splendid volume by a writer whose indefagitable curiosity continues to produce insightful and illuminating fictions."
—Notre Dame Review
"The stories are beautifully written, and Neugebroen's characters are utterly human, unable to suppress their darkest urges."
—Columbia Magazine
"Perhaps it's doomed glory, more than boomers in France or young men in fifties America, where Neugeboren seems most comfortable of all."
"In its explorations of faith, Brooklyn, medicine, and politics... the tone is elevated, and the voice confident."
—Publishers Weekly
"The stories in Jay Neugeboren's new collection are astonishingly good, each one fresh, startling, sometimes shocking in its originality—with a complex and subtle substructure binding the whole group together."
—Madison Smartt Bell

Jay Neugeboren is the author of fifteen books (including 1940 and The Other Side of the World), including two prize-winning novels (The Stolen Jew, Before My Life Began), two award-winning books of non-fiction (Imagining Robert, Transforming Madness), and three collections of award-winning stories. He has won six consecutive Syndicated Fiction Prizes. He lives in New York City. (jayneugeboren.com)
LIST PRICE: $16.00
PAGES: 192
PRINT ISBN: 978-0-9826848-8-7
DIGITAL ISBN: 978-0-9832471-6-6
RELEASE DATE: 5/1/2011