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Radio Waves daily blog by Two Dollar Radio indie book publisher

The Death-Rattle of Culture | 10/14/16


Doin it and doin it and doin it well. Or, at least, moderately well this week.

Randy Newman’s first new song in years is about bare-chested Vladimir Putin.
I dare you to not listen HERE.

Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Jennifer Weiner wants to know why Jennifer Weiner wasn't chosen. I mean, what has Bob Dylan ever done with his life that was so great?

Jonathan Safran Foer tells BuzzFeed he doesn't care that the internet is laughing at him.
"Regardless of the work he’s producing, being a preternaturally successful white male author who lives in Brooklyn like every other preternaturally successful white male author has had a ripple effect through his career that has built to a wave of internet ire... His only crime is a blinking naivety, because Foer has no idea about any of this. And in that sense, he is exactly like what Twitter thinks he’s like."

Posted by Brett Gregory on 14 October, 2016 Death-Rattle of Culture | 0 comments
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Radio Waves daily blog by Two Dollar Radio indie book publisher

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