On the Dial | L.A. Glows
The New Yorker and The Scene recently featured a short video on the light of Los Angeles. L.A. glows with lingering, surreal, relentless color. Hollywood exists in Southern California because the sun shines there almost everyday. Scientifically speaking, the candy colored sky comes from the pollution particles floating in the sky, but there is something romantic about the aura of L.A. Maybe the winter chills are just setting in for me, and driving through Ohio in gray December feels like Cormac McCarthy's The Road, but I do find myself idealizing SoCal (sometimes). Blame the fucking Beach Boys.
One of my all-time favorite bands, Margot & the Nuclear So and So's, is releasing a record sometime next year titled "Lemon Cotton Candy Sunset." Front-man/songwriter/mastermind, Richard Edwards, is an Indiana resident. He and his band made their debut on the Chicago/Indianapolis circuit. As the band matured, Richard made it obvious how obsessed became with L.A. He tracked the new joint entirely in Los Angeles and even named the record after the colorful glow of SoCal sunsets. I know it's a polarizing place, but a warm, polluted, pink, sunny sky seems really nice after wiping out on icy sidewalks all week. Check out the video L.A. Glows yourself, and go listen to Margot. Stay cool.