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Radio Waves daily blog by Two Dollar Radio indie book publisher

It's all happening in Columbus

The Columbus Alive has a preview of next Wednesday's premiere of The Removals at the Wexner Center for the Arts, where tickets are on sale now.

They interview producer Eric Obenauf and writer/director Nicholas Rombes, who calls the movie "cerebral science fiction with no special effects."

“It rained so much last summer, everything got so green and lush, it became like technicolor,” [Rombes] said. “Everything glowed. It was a free special effect.”

Rombes also has a killer piece on The Removals today at Vol. 1 Brooklyn, where he dissects the unruliness of reality:

"Perhaps one of the social functions of art, today, is to distort the one-to-one correspondence to the perceived world that the digital image offers, to break it, to muck up its gears. Avant-garde realism. Against the disembodied immortality of information, of data, secured away in clouds of unknowing we call for a new realism, extended, distorted, pushed so far to the limits that what emerges doesn’t obey the limits of reality.

"We already know that, at its bedrock layers, reality itself does not behave. It is unruly. Irrational. Radically unfamiliar. The most experimental of our novels, films, music, is on some level an effort to pierce through so-called realism to recover what we already instinctively know about the bizarre behavior of reality at its most basic levels."

On a lighter note, we'll be at Columbus Flea's Spring Flea this Sunday with our mother-scratching books and our mother-scratching glitter. It will be, as always, a blast.

Two Dollar Radio at Columbus Flea's Spring Flea

Posted by Eric Obenauf on 28 April, 2016 Columbus Flea, The Removals | 0 comments
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Two Dollar Radio is a family-run outfit founded in 2005 with the mission to reaffirm the cultural and artistic spirit of the publishing industry. We aim to do this by presenting bold works of literary merit, each book, individually and collectively, providing a sonic progression that we believe to be too loud to ignore. Check out the ABOUT US section to read more...

Radio Waves daily blog by Two Dollar Radio indie book publisher

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