Street Team Says...

A year ago, we started the Two Dollar Radio Street Team as a way to get readers involved with our press. Following the trend started by some record labels, we sent out a call of action to all bibliophiles looking for a way to promote a favorite press in exchange for some free books.
With a current roster of 28 individuals, the Street Team is absolutely killing it out there. We are pretty darn lucky to work with creative individuals from all across the U.S. and Canada. These are filmmakers, illustrators, writers, poets, and academics, just to name a few.
You don't need superpowers to join the Street Team; all you have to do is fill out an application! We ask some rigorous, hard-hitting questions that really tap into the core of your being in order to see if your heart is truly in it. We spend a good amount of time chuckling in the office at the responses, and we've decided to start sharing some of them. Here are a few examples of the thoughtful, poignant responses we received.
The question: Imagine you open a food truck. What kind of food would you serve? What would you name the truck?
Some responses: "It would be called Obviously The Egg, Stupid. I would serve nothing but the incredible egg in all it's versatile glory. My truck would be just like Boomer Petway's turkey trailer in Skinny Legs and All.”
"'Po-tah-do' It would serve primarily potato products, menu changing with the season/time of day... hashbrowns, mashed potatoes, latkes...”
“Twin Pieks; sue me, I'm a huge Twin Peaks fan and I also love pie. I would have the Special Agent Dale Cooper Special as my specialty which would be a slice of cherry pie served with a scoop of coffee ice cream. (I feel like just selling coffee alongside it wouldn't be all that special, ya know?) The truck would be painted like the inside of the Red Room with some black and white zigzagging patterns and some red here and there. (The main window would have red curtains framing it, of course.) I feel like it would be a lot of fun and it would cater to fans of Twin Peaks as well as anyone who loves pie—you get the best of both worlds. I'd also come up with some other pie names (Log Lady Lemon, anyone?) and it would be so much fun.”
“Applesauce. It would be called, 'Mushy Road Apples.'"
Stay tuned for more classic Street Team Says... posts in the future. And if you wanna join the Street Team, here's how you do that.