1st Printing Features: Trade paper, Illustrations
a collection of essays by
Colin Asher, Nathan Knapp, Joshua Mohr, & more!
PAGES: 112
PRINT ISBN: 978-1-937512-22-4
RELEASE DATE: 4/1/2014
"Chock full of the most intense, out of the box writers around... It's like The Believer just up and said 'fuck it.'"
—Brooklyn Based
This it it! The final installment of Frequencies. (For now!) The issue that forced us to explain the meaning of "satire" to perhaps the world's most famous plagiarist (who will remain nameless).
The fourth issue of Frequencies features a moving essay by Colin Asher—who penned an incredible tribute to Nelson Algren in The Believer which landed the writer a book deal with Norton—about the contradictions in life and in wanting to help others, as he works at a halfway house in San Francisco's Mission District.
Ruth Gila Berger delivers a transformative and always topical essay on the evolution of the new American family and the urgent need to confront the past.
Charles Hastings, Jr., writes an eloquent dispatch from a factory in Alabama, crushing unsold DVDs and CDs, as he struggles everyday to define his life's purpose and find for himself something he might consider to be a noble toil.
We were all teenagers once! Nathan Knapp writes about life as part of the first generation of teenagers seeking love and a sense of belonging on the Internet, during the early days of dial-up.
Also included in this issue is an excerpt from Joshua Mohr's hotly-anticipated memoir, Sirens! The book will be the first work of non-fiction by the acclaimed novelist. This excerpt sees Mohr driving to Reno on acid, and while his friend is in jail for a reason none in their group can discern, scoring drugs from a mother, forcing Mohr to reflect on his past and the strange men he was left with by his own mother.
Plus: Score! We've got Carola Dibbell, Sarah Gerard, Jeff Jackson, Shane Jones, Nicholas Rombes, and Karolina Waclawiak dishing on their first concert experience!
EXCLUSIVE: An exclusive satirical (fictional!) interview with Shia LaBeouf, in which the rapscallion speaks his mind!